A crazy FACT that hardly anyone knows is that my YouTube Channel started as a way to share cooking recipes with my kids’ friend’s parents. I was making cooking recipes videos and thought it would be fun to do one on shooting (my passion) and it took off as most of you are already aware of. If you are NOT the cook in the house, share with who is – they may just love you for it.

With that said, I still have some great recipes to share and can create more. Most of the video links here are older as they were from the beginning of my channel. If there is more interest, I would happily make more videos and share. Lots of the recipes are designed for simplicity, cost, health, and just making feeding the family quick and easy and saving a ton of money by not eating out.

My kids, friends, and family love them, check them out and see what you think.

NOTE: I use a wild game for most of my cooking. If you don’t like that just replace it with traditional meat such as beef and chicken.